It’s Time to Focus on Real Healthcare Reform

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By Toby Cosgrove, M.D.

Cleveland Clinic president and CEO

Now that the latest effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act has failed, it’s time to propose real fixes to the federal law that will actually improve healthcare for all Americans.

My hope is that Congress can now undertake a sober, bipartisan analysis of the ACA, maintaining what works and fixing what doesn’t.

According to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, nearly 70 percent of Americans want Congress to fix the ACA by stabilizing the insurance market. At a minimum, legislation should do just that, while maintaining the ACA’s successes – widespread insurance coverage for Americans, guaranteed coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, and affordable access to coverage and care.

However, the ACA has failed in its aim to slow escalating healthcare costs. Until we control costs, paying for healthcare will continue to be problematic and contentious.

It won’t be easy, though. Bending the cost curve in healthcare is something with which every developed country is struggling. It isn’t going to be achieved by any one law, reform or sector. Caring for a growing and aging population will require sustained effort and cooperation between providers, payers, politicians, drug and device manufacturers, civic leaders, the business community and the general public. In other words, everyone.

To start, I suggest focusing our efforts in three key areas – making healthcare delivery more efficient, bringing down pharmaceutical costs, and improving Americans’ health and wellness.

Better health for all Americans

We know these incentives work because we’ve seen them work firsthand here at Cleveland Clinic. Direct incentive programs have drastically reduced the costs to care for the 100,000-plus members of our Employee Health Plan.

So, to Congress, I ask: Please don’t launch further “repeal and replace” efforts. Instead, work across the aisle, transparently and publicly, to sustain a high-quality American healthcare system through efficiency, accessibility, affordability and wellness.