Academic Indicators Reports

The Undergraduate Applicants dashboard includes three reports that focus on academic indicators:



These reports show SAT and ACT scores and High School GPAs for freshmen in tabular charts showing the average, 25 th percentile and 75 th percentile by year. To the right, a line chart shows the average so you can see the trend over the years selected. In the high school GPA chart:

For transfer students, the report shows prior college evaluated GPA. Note that we have converted to the current format any SAT scores earned prior to March 2016, using the College Board’s official concordance tables.

Please note, starting in the 2021-22 admissions cycle, SAT or ACT scores were no longer considered as a factor in admissions. Starting that year, students were no longer required to submit their scores. Scores reported on this dashboard starting in 2021-22 are scores that were voluntarily submitted by applicants, and these scores were not considered in the application process.

Sample Questions and Answers

Look at the graph for SAT and ACT scores for applicants for the past ten admissions cycles, 2013-14 to 2022-23. Why was there a spike in scores in 2021-22?

2021-22 was the first year that we stopped requiring applicants to submit test scores. Applicants with high test scores were more likely to submit them than those with lower test scores.

Was the 2021-22 test score spike also seen in Admitted report?

Yes, the bump in test scores is also seen in the admitted population.